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Bull riding

Video link

Here is a link to a video of a successful attempt at a bull ride.  This ride took place in Park Rapids over forth of July weekend 2017.  Bull riding has many different aspects to it including those of the rider and how he rides and the bull and how he bucks.  Bull riding is scored by officials out of 100, the scorer looks at the bull for half of the score and the rider and his mount for the other 50.  A really good score is high 90+ and a good/average score is one in the 80's.  I personally like to watch the ride a few times looking at different aspects such as how much the rider spurs showing how much he has control.  Another aspect would be how high, fast, and quick the bull bucks also how much he changes directions.  The last aspect  I like to look for is the bull fighters.  One could argue that bull fighters are most crucial aspect to an attempted ride; they are the ones who help distract the bull from the rider when the rider dismounts and pull the rider out of harms way if need be.  Bull fighting is a very daring profession.


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