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photography interview

I composed a series of 13 questions related to photography that I have asked 3 people.  The question and the three individuals answers are as follows...

do you post photos on social media?  if so, what is the focus of your photos on? 
Josie: yes, mostly me or things i'm doing with friends
Jasmine: yes, me
Amanda: yes, scenery and portraits

do you have social media?  if so, what apps do you use?
Josie: yes, snapchat, insta, youtube
Jasmine: insta, VSCO, twitter, fbook
Amanda: yes, instagram, twitter, facebook, snapchat

if you use a photo editing app which one do you use and what keeps you coming back to it? 
Josie: instagram, mostly because its the app i post on
Jasmine: picsart
Amanda: VSCO

if you had $1000 to spend on something related to photography what would it be?
Josie: new camera, really need a new one
Jasmine: nice cam
Amanda: camera

do you prefer individual photos or photos when they are put into a photo book or scrapbook?
Josie: photobook
Jasmine: depends on the situation
Amanda: scrapbooks

how many words is a picture worth to you?
Josie: 1
Jasmine: a couple
Amanda: a lot

if you could get a photo with anyone in the world who would it be?
Josie: cher
Jasmine: uzi
Amanda: Jesus

what does the majority of your your camera roll consist of?
Josie: pictures of me and my friend
Jasmine: screenshots of hw
Amanda: portraits & scenery

if you could go anywhere in the world to take photos where would it be?
Josie: Japan
Jasmine: bora bora
Amanda: canada, alberta

do you use photo filters?  if so, which one is your favorite?
Josie: no
Jasmine: not a lot
Amanda: yes, everything

have your ever blogged about photography?  if so, whats your link?
Josie: no
Jasmine: no
Amanda: yes,

if you could chat with any photographer in the world who would it be?
Josie: idk, you
Jasmine: you:)
Amanda: myself

do you prefer using a camera or a cell phone camera?  why?
Josie: camera, photos turn put better
Jasmine: cell phone thats all i have
Amanda: camera, better quality

if you find a question that intrigues you feel free to answer in the comments, i'm excited to see the responses!


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